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Grant Hanfodion Ysgol
School Essentials Grant


Er fod holl ddisgyblion oed cynradd bellach yn cael yr hawl i brydau ysgol am ddim, gallai fod mwy o help ariannol ar gael i chi trwy’r Grant Hanfodion Ysgol. 


Diben y Grant Hanfodion Ysgol yw rhoi cymorth ariannol i deuluoedd ar incwm isel i brynu: 

  • Gwisg ysgol gan gynnwys cotiau ac esgidiau;

  • Cit chwaraeon ysgol gan gynnwys esgidiau;

  • Gwisg ar gyfer gweithgareddau cyfoethogi, gan gynnwys ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i'r canlynol, sgowtiaid; geidiaid; cadetiaid; crefftau ymladd; chwaraeon; celfyddydau perfformio neu ddawns;

  • Cyfarpar e.e. bagiau ysgol a deunyddiau swyddfa;

  • Cyfarpar arbenigol lle mae gweithgareddau cwricwlwm newydd yn dechrau megis dylunio a thechnoleg;

  • Cyfarpar ar gyfer teithiau y tu allan i oriau ysgol fel dysgu yn yr awyr agored e.e. dillad glaw.

  • Offer TG - gliniaduron a thabledi yn unig. Bydd angen i chi gadarnhau na all ysgol eich plentyn roi benthyg gliniadur/tabled iddo i'w defnyddio gartref.


Mae cyllid o hyd at £125 ar gael i bob plentyn cymwys (o’r Derbyn i Bl11), ac eithrio'r rhai ym Mlwyddyn 7 sydd â hawl i £200.

O wneud cais a derbyn yr hawl at y Grant, byddwch hefyd yn sicrhau cyllid ychwanegol i’r ysgol er mwyn cefnogi dysgwyr difreintiedig.


Darllenwch mwy am y Grant gan ddilyn y ddolen isod.



Os ydych chi’n riant i ddisgybl o’r Derbyn i Flwyddyn 11 a’ch bod yn credu eich bod yn gymwys – gwnewch gais yma.



Fel arall, cysylltwch â'r Awdurdod Lleol ar (01545) 570 881 er mwyn cwblhau cais dros y ffôn


Whilst all primary age pupils now have the right to free school meals, you could be eligible for more financial help available through the School Essentials Grant.


The purpose of the School Essentials Grant is to provide low-income families with financial support to purchase:

  • School uniform including coats and shoes;

  • School sports kit including shoes;

  • Uniform for enrichment activities, including but not limited to the following, scouting; Guides; Cadets; martial arts; sports; performing arts or dance;

  • Equipment e.g. school bags and stationery;

  • Specialist equipment where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology;

  • Equipment for out-of-school trips such as outdoor learning e.g. rainwear.

  • IT equipment - laptops and tablets only. You will need to confirm that your child's school cannot loan them a laptop/tablet for home use.


Funding of up to £125 is available to all eligible children (from Reception to Y11), except for those in Year 7 who are entitled to £200.

Through applying and receiving the Grant, you will also secure additional funding for the school to support disadvantaged learners.


Read more about Grant following the link below.



If you are the parent of a pupil between Reception and Year 11and you think you are eligible -apply here:



Alternatively, feel free to contact the Local Authority on (01545) 570 881 in order to complete an application over the telephone.


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